REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG -- The ranks of the Red and White Cabinet have finished receiving materials during the retreat at the Military Academy (Akmil) Magelang, Central Java, on Saturday (26/10/2024)) afternoon. In the last session, the ministers received briefings on the capital of the archipelago (IKN).
Forestry Minister Raja Juli Antoni said that Prabowo gave a number of briefings at the last session during the retreat of the Red and White Cabinet. One of Prabowo's four briefing points was the issue of IKN in East Kalimantan.
“Last session this afternoon, Mr. President Prabowo gave a briefing. One of the four points of his briefing was on IKN,” he said when confirmed to reporters on Saturday afternoon.
According to him, Prabowo mentioned that the sustainability of IKN development was already very clear in his briefing. He assured that the construction of the IKN will continue until completion.
“It is a decision that will be continued and resolved. There is no need to ask any more questions about that in fact,” he said, explaining Prabowo's direction.
Raja Juli said that Prabowo has even had a target for the construction of IKN. In his direction, Prabowo stated that he would complete the IKN within the next four years. “Even he already has a plan to complete the construction of the IKN in 4 years,” Raja Juli said.
He assessed that IKN is the political capital for Prabowo. Therefore, in addition to the government buildings that are now nearing completion, Prabowo stated that Ororita IKN will be instructed to complete buildings for legislative and judicial institutions within the next four years.
“He hopes that August 2028 the Plenary Session of the DPR/MPR can be held at IKN. In fact, he hopes that the inauguration of the President and Vice President in 2029 will be held at IKN,” Raja Juli said.
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